Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fun Facts You Might Not now

Not short!
People think that Napoleean was really short, (they even named a complex after it!) But actually thats only HALF TRUE. Napolean was over 6 feet tall! but people in France in the 1800s were much taller than regular man is today, so 6 feet was actually considered really short at the time!


New Research in Egypt has shows that the first Turkeys in the world weren't actually wild animals, but were raised by Egyptians for their eggs and food!

So next time you see a Turkey, remember this American icon
bird and meal is actually of Egyptian heritage!

Were We Cave Men?
we have always thought that the first men (and women) in the world lived in caves, but new research from the Khazar University in Azerbaijan shows that first man may have actually lived in trees instead of in caves. Always question your assumptions because people are changing their minds about history all the time. : )